What is Zero Energy Ready Home?

Insulated concrete slab


A U.S. Department of Energy Zero Energy Ready Home is a high-performance home designed to be extremely energy efficient. This means that a renewable energy system can potentially offset most or all of the home’s annual energy consumption. In other words, the energy produced by the house can meet its usage needs without needing to rely on the grid.

Installing SIPs

What makes a Zero Energy Ready Home different?

What makes a Zero Energy Ready Home different?

·       Air sealing to block dust, pollen, and pests. 

·       Construction materials with low or no chemical content. 

·       Water protection from roof to foundation minimizes moisture-related health problems and mold. 

·       Better indoor air quality

·       …and the list goes on and on.

Step into better living today!

Structurally Insulated Panels (SIPs)

Comfort . Quality . Value

All builders say that their homes are energy efficient, but are they really?

At M.O.L.Y Homes we make sure our homes are! Our #ZeroEnergyReadyHome program provides our customers with a third-party verification and ensures that we are delivering on what we promise.

Best in Class Technology

Zero Energy Ready Homes exceed current building codes across every element—and some technologies are decades ahead.

From high performance windows, to #energyefficient appliances, to EV-ready infrastructure, you and your wallet will notice the difference with a Zero Energy Ready Home.

Future-proof your biggest investment!